Jude Simion

Jude Simion

Jude Simion is CEO of Philoi Global and serves on the Core Leadership Team of Refugee Highway Partnership. Philoi Global responds to the humanitarian gaps of persecuted minorities through relief, relocation, and resettlement; cultivating compassion, unity, and support for the displaced.

Articles by Jude Simion

  • Oceania

    Caring for the 'other 99', forcibly displaced people

    Irregular and illegal migration dominates social and political conversations today in many nations. But 99% of forcibly displaced people are stuck in refugee camps in or near their home nation. With the help of the global Church we can help displaced people out of refugee limbo, sharing the love of Christ and offering them a hope and future.

  • Oceania

    Immigration or integration - what is the real crisis

    Immigration is a prominent and integral aspect of our global society, yet it remains a deeply contentious and polarizing issue. Countries are struggling to manage their borders as people take dangerous and irregular paths to cross them. Many believe that immigration needs to be reduced or restricted, leading to protests and counter-protests in various nations. Concerns are also rising about the rapid cultural and societal changes immigration brings. A fresh focus on integration can help.