The President of Panama, Laurentino Cortizo, received the international evangelist Andres Palau in his office on Monday. They were joined by the Minister of Education, Maruja Gorday, as well as Edmundo Gastaldi, International Director of the Palau Festivals, and Pastor Prisciano Gil, President of the Evangelical Alliance of Panama.
Within a few minutes, the conversation took on a warm tone of camaraderie. The President was interested in learning about the legacy of the guest's father, the late evangelist Luis Palau. The two exchanged a few words about the importance of continuing to carry a message of hope, such as the one Palau Jr. will share in various activities this week, culminating in the well-known evangelistic event known as the Palau Festival.
The festival not only includes spiritual elements but also concrete acts of social service. It will feature a children's festival and a social action fair where basic medical care will be provided to those with limited resources, plus hairdressing services, mobile showers for the homeless, and food distribution for those in need.
Palau shared with the President the story of how his father invited him to a similar activity and how his life was changed by the message of hope. Although the dialogue was brief, it was enough for the evangelist to share with the president details of the transforming power of God that took him from a meaningless life to a life dedicated to sharing his story around the world.
The meeting culminated with Palau praying to God to bless the nation, the president, his public ministry, his family, and his health.